The Color Palette is located at the top of the right-side panel in Studio. It's where you can select any color for your digital bricks!
A. Paint Tool: This button activates the paint tool. The paint tool lets you color the bricks in your model by selecting a color and clicking on the parts.
B. Color Picker / Eye Dropper: This button activates the Color Picker Tool. When activated, the mouse pointer changes to an eye dropper shape. Click on a part to determine its color.
C. Color Menu: This dropdown menu is where you can choose colors. When closed, it shows the current color for the paint tool.
To choose the default color for new parts, use the Color palette in the building palette. See Coloring Parts for more information.
D. Favorite Colors: Shows a color swatch of your favorite colors.
E. Content Colors: Shows a color swatch of all the colors currently used in your design. They're sorted by most used to least used (from left to right).
Color Menu
A. Colors: This is a list of all the colors known in Studio. These match the colors in the BrickLink catalog and include Solid, Transparent, Chrome, Pearl, Metallic, Milky, Glitter, Speckle, and Satin shades. Studio also has special color types that allow renders to be more realistic to their textures and colors. These include Rubber, Glowing Neon, Luminous Soft, Luminous, Translucent, and Glow in Dark shades.
- There are more colors in Studio than in the BrickLink catalog. These include the special colors for rendering in addition to LDraw colors that aren't distinguished by BrickLink. When checking availability and prices, or when exporting a design to a Wanted List, those colors are converted to the closest color in the BrickLink catalog. For example, Fabuland Pastel Green in LDraw is matched to Lime on BrickLink.
- The small arrow on the left of the Section header (A) lets you collapse or expand the whole section.
B. Hues: This section can be used to filter the colors by their main hue
- When you click on a color box, only the colors in the same hue will be displayed
- The Black & White boxes filter only Black, White and Gray (or Silver) colors
- The All box at the top lets you see all active colors
C. Filter & Search box: Filter or search colors by name
- As soon as you start typing, only the colors containing what you’ve typed will be shown.
Word order isn’t important. For instance, if you enter med, only the colors with med in their names will be listed and that’ll mostly be the Medium colors. If you enter blu med or med blu, only Medium Blue colors will be listed.
D. Cheapest color: When you select a part, the cheapest color feature will suggest a less expensive color for you to use. This feature lets you cut down on the costs of realizing your build, since you can select the cheapest color for any parts that are hidden within your build!
How to enable/disable the availability checkbox
- The Color Menu also shows a general idea of prices by color for selected parts. The more dollar signs, the more expensive the part is in that color
- You can toggle the visibility of the Favorite and Content color swatches by clicking on the arrow to the left of their names