Buffer exchange
You can show how a part is placed by moving it from its final position. For historical reasons, this is called buffer exchange.
Moving a part in the model
- Click on a part added in the step
- Click on Activate Buffer Exchange
- Click on one of the blue arrows that appear to move the part
Do not grab the arrows, click on them!Or, edit the offsets in the Inspector (A)
The offsets are in LDU.
An arrow showing how the part should be inserted in the build automatically appears and adjusts to the move.
You can change the style of the arrow: the shape of its ends, its thickness, and its color (B). The blue and white checkbox on the right lets you turn the arrows on or off.
Moving the arrow
To move the arrow, grab it with the mouse.
To change the endpoints:
- Click on the arrow
- Circles appear on its endpoints
- Grab and drag an endpoint with the mouse.
Red guidelines appear to help with vertical and horizontal alignment when the arrow is close to being vertical or horizontal.
- To use Buffer Exchange on parts of the submodel, the submodel must be in step view, not callout. You can switch the submodel to callout after having used buffer exchange.
- When changing the layout, the buffer exchange arrows don’t always correctly follow. Move the whole callout a bit to refresh their positions.