Interface overview
You can organize your design into steps, just like the steps in LEGO® set instructions.
- Model Menu: each submodel has its own steps. Use this box to choose which submodel is displayed in the Viewport and Step List.
- Search Box: filter parts and submodels in steps.
- Steps: shows all steps in a design. Each step is numbered and can also be named.
Create Step:
- If a step is selected, a new one will be created after the one you’ve selected.
- If a part is selected, a new step will be created as the last step.
- Steps Toolbar: there are more buttons at the bottom of the step list.
- Step View: switch to Step View mode, in which the model is shown as instructions.
Step options
You can expand/collapse a step by clicking the button on the left side of it. Changing descriptions or deleting a step is available using buttons that appear when you hover over it.
- Collapse / Expand: when a step is expanded, parts and submodels are displayed in the step list so you can manage them. If a step is collapsed, only its number and name are displayed in the step list.
- Description: add a description for a step. It can come in handy to easily identify a step.
- Delete: remove a step. The contents will be moved to the following step.
Steps toolbar
There are more buttons at the bottom of the step list.
- Collapse All: only step numbers and their descriptions are displayed in the step list.
- Expand All: all steps, parts and nested submodels will be displayed in the step list.
Hide: Allows to hide the currently selected items in the Viewport.
- If parts are selected, those parts are hidden.
- If steps are selected, all their contents are hidden.
- You can select multiple parts and steps or a combination of both by holding the Ctrl key while clicking on them.
- Create: same as Create Step (D).
Step contents
When you select a part or submodel or hover over it, buttons appear:
- Expand/Collapse Submodel: when expanded, parts are listed in a dimmed color to indicate that you need to edit the submodel to manage them.
- Edit Submodel: enable a respective submodel to go into edit mode.
- Hide: hide/show respective parts or submodel.
- Delete: remove respective parts or submodel.
While building, you can use steps to group parts. Steps can always be re-organized later when you’re creating instructions for a design.